IMPORTANT READ NOW! This End-User Licence Agreement ("EULA") is a legal AGREEMENT between you (either as a registered individual or as the registered representative and on behalf of a single entity) and Supplier for the Serials and Reg Key Heaven software product, which product includes computer software and may include associated media, printed materials, and "online" or electronic documentation ("SOFTWARE PRODUCT"). By installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, you agree to be bound by the terms of this EULA. If you do not agree to the terms of this EULA, then DO NOT install or use the SOFTWARE PRODUCT, and destroy it immediately. This CD-ROM is for RESEARCH PURPOSES ONLY. The primary intent of this CD-ROM is to provide the researcher with hard-to-find content for RESEARCH or SELF-EDUCATION relevant to Computer Programming and various protection methods and their intrinsic flaws by demonstrating reverse-engineering methods used to circumvent them. While possession of information and programs on this CD-ROM violates no laws, actually using or implementing some of the programs or content on this CD-ROM may do so. For this reason, the user is instructed NOT TO USE ANY OF THE PROGRAMS OR CONTENT ON THIS CD-ROM WHICH MAY VIOLATE ANY LAWS OR INFRINGE ON THE COPYRIGHT PROTECTION OF OTHERS. None of the content, with the exception of menuing devices was created by the publisher. All information was acquired from freely available sources located around the world. THE USER IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CHECKING LOCAL AND FEDERAL LAWS BEFORE ATTEMPTING TO USE OR APPLY ANY OF THE KNOWLEDGE GAINED FROM THIS CD-ROM. FURTHERMORE, THE USER ASSUMES AND ACCEPTS FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR HIS/HER ACTIONS AND AGREES TO HOLD THE PUBLISHER HARLMESS OF ALL DAMAGES IN THE EVENT SUCH DAMAGES SHOULD ARISE. THE PUBLISHER AND ITS SUPPLIERS DISCLAIM ALL OTHER WARRANTIES AND CONDITIONS, EITHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT, WITH REGARD TO THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT AND THE PROVISION OF OR FAILURE TO PROVIDE SUPPORT SERVICES. TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW, IN NO EVENT SHALL THE PUBLISHER OR ANY SUPPLIER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES WHATSOEVER (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, DAMAGES FOR LOSS OF BUSINESS PROFITS, BUSINESS INTERRUPTION, LOSS OF BUSINESS INFORMATION, OR ANY OTHER PECUNIARY LOSS) ARISING OUT OF THE USE OF OR INABILITY TO USE THE SOFTWARE PRODUCT, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. If you do not agree to be bound by these terms, you should immediately destroy the Product.